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Weight Loss Detox

Digestive Enzymes, Camu Camu, Blood Circulation Formula and Hot Cayenne Extract

Our 7 day weight loss detox program will help you quickly shed unwanted pounds while also effective cleansing your body of harmful toxins and pollutants. After 7 days, you will look and feel significantly better, guaranteed!

Customers have found the pounds started shedding off quickly after just 7 days of this program. They have also found that they were sleeping better and their over-all mood was positive and energetic. The Weight LossDetox is a very powerful cleanse. You can expect significant healing and protective benefits.
Comes with the complete 7 Day Detox Diet Plan, FREE!

What does the Weight Loss Detox Diet do?

      Lose 3-7 pounds in 1 week
      Safe, long term weight loss
      Will reduce cholesterol and blood pressure
      Can be continued for much longer than 7 days if desired
      Cleans toxins and pollutants out of your body
      Dramatically increases energy and vitality
      No fasting or starving yourself
      Complete detox diet plan with included

How does The Weight Loss Detox Diet work?

Every product included in this 7 day detox weight loss program has a very specific purpose:


      Digestive Enzymes: Digestion enzymes insure you properly digest your food and maximizes nutrient absorption. It is a very helpful aid to weight loss.

      The Blood Circulation Formula contains herbs that are well known for their ability to increase the metabolism and remove fat from the body. This formula also helps lower blood pressure and builds strength in the walls of the veins and arteries which is very important for protecting the heart from excess fat.

      Our Hot Cayenne Extract is 200,000 H.U. (Heat Units), the hottest available. According to it -is- one of a few things you can use to speed up yourmetabolism; specifically, it "contains an ingredient called capsaicin that stimulates saliva, stimulates digestion and accelerates your metabolism at a safer level."

      Our super potency Camu Camu from the Amazon jungle contains 20x more vitamin C than oranges or lemons. The Camu Camu fruit also contains natural rutin and bioflavanoids, which increase the effect of vitamin C and provide prime bioavailability. Vitamin C has been shown in many, many studies to help in weight reduction. According to researchers from Arizona State University, individuals consuming sufficient amounts of vitamin C oxidize (burn) 30% more fat during moderate exercise than those who consume insufficient amounts. In addition, too little vitamin C in the bloodstream has been shown to correlate with increased body fat and waist measurements. This is the best source of whole food, all natural vitamin C anywhere. Camu Camu is also rich in all natural Limonene, a phytochemical which has shown the ability to reduce the appetite and aid in weight loss.

Put together, these 4 products and our unique diet plan will produce very serious weight loss results along with substantial overall health benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I continue the weight loss program after 7 days?

Absolutely. The detox diet plan will help your body continue to shed pounds, lower cholesterol, normalize hormone levels, lower blood pressure and much more...

How much weight will I lose?

Well, everyone responds differently to the program, but you can expect to lose about 3-7 pounds in the first 7 days.

Do I have to follow the diet plan exactly?

No. The diet plan includes daily meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner, recipes and a shopping list, but it is included for your benefit. You should try to follow most of the advice, but of course, you can modify it to fit within your own tastes and needs. Remember, the closer you follow thedetox diet, the better your results will be...

How is this different from other weight loss plans?

First and foremost, this a plan that will make you more healthy. That means, you will have more energy, sleep better and lower cholesterol among other things. Second, you won't be starving yourself or fasting. You will be eating healthy and delicious meals throughout the day. And, in addition to weight loss, you will also be eliminating thousands of unwanted and toxic pollutants which makes this a much more thorough program than others.

We have made sure this cleanse is simple and easy to do.


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