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Hollywood Detox Body

Lose up to 6 inches in an hour
One of our most popular products!
Clinically tested and used by celebrities

What does the Hollywood Detox Body Wrap do?
    • Promotes immediate long term inch loss.

    • Targets problem areas - buttocks, thighs, stomach, chest, arms, and neck.

    • Suitable for men and women.

    • A salon product now available for home use at a greatly reduced price.

    • Easy to use.

    • Can reduce the appearance of unsightly cellulite and stretch marks.

    • Tones and tightens loose skin.

    • Lessens the visible signs of aging around the neck and under the arms.

Celebrities around the world frequently speak of the benefits they experience after a body detox. In the past, detoxification was comprised of a juice diet, or a vitamin and supplement program. Both were difficult to maintain for a long enough period to see results. That's why we've created the Hollywood Detox Body Wrap. It draws dangerous toxins out of your body and helps you lose 4 to 6 inches in less than an hour. This clinically tested kit was developed in some of Europe's finest Spas and has been endorsed by some of Hollywood's most well known celebrities.
What is the Hollywood Detox Body Wrap?It's an all-natural way to achieve body detoxification, inch reduction, cleaner skin, and an overall body rejuvenation. You'll also notice that the body wrap will break down your cellulite, reduce stretch marks, and tone and tighten loose skin. In just an hour your skin will feel softer and smoother than it ever has.

The Hollywood Detox Body Wrap draws toxins out of your body. These toxins are often stored in and around your fat cells. Because of the way the wrap fits on your body, fat cells will be repositioned. This results in you losing up to 6 inches in less than an hour.

Average Inch Loss
  • Waist 2.25 inches
  • Abdomen 4.0 inches
  • Thighs 6.0 inches
  • Buttocks 1.5 inches
  • Bicep 1.5 inches
Extremely Gentle
Thanks to the natural properties of our specialty formulated bentonite clay, the Hollywood Detox Body Wrap is kind to skin and may help with common complaints such as stretch marks and unsightly cellulite. It will also help re-tone and tighten loose skin as well as promoting instant inch loss.

The great thing about this wrap is its flexibility. You can apply it directly to the part of your body about which you're most concerned. It's perfect for all those classic problem areas: stomach, hips, thighs, waist, chests and necks. What's more, it leaves skin feeling fantastically smooth and clear.

Learn About the Science

How does it work?
The Hollywood Detox Body Wrap, which contains Natural Sea Clay and two large bandages, works by drawing out the toxins that live in and around your body's fat cells. The wrap itself acts like a warm towel hugging your body and removing toxins through the pores of your skin. Additional toxins continue to be flushed away even after the treatment is complete.

How are the toxins removed?
The Hollywood Detox Body Wrap clay is a unique formulation containing different types of glacial and seabed clay. It includes special amino acids that promote extended inch loss benefits. To the clay we have added an aloe vera base which helps tighten and tone the skin. When applied to the skin, the clay draws toxins from the pores while keeping the skin healthy. The bandages compress the skin, pushing it back into place after the toxins are withdrawn resulting in safe, natural weight loss.

And the best part is, the those toxins you remove are gone for good. You will of course build up new ones over time, the amount of which will depend on your lifestyle.

How many wraps can I have?
As many as you like! The Hollywood Detox Body Wrap is completely safe. You will see after your own optimum number of wraps that your inch loss stops. This differs on each client, and you will become an expert as to when you feel like a wrap.

Immediate inch loss
The Hollywood Detox Body Wrap is not a water loss wrap so the results are measured in inches, not weight. There is no need to worry about dramatic weight fluctuations that water wraps can sometimes cause. In fact, by drinking more water, the treatment is prolonged, thus maximizing results.

Are there any medical conditions which would stop you from having a wrap?
The Hollywood Detox Body Wrap may not be suitable for use during pregnancy, or for sufferers of emphysema and phlebitis.

Like all our products, the Hollywood Detox Body Wrap includes our Money Back guarantee Guarantee. If you're not delighted with the results, simply return it within 30 days for a full refund.
Kit contains: 8 (15ml) sachets of Natural Sea Clay and 2 Wraps. That means you get up to 8 applications. The wraps can be reused.
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