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PT. INDOMOP MULTI MAKMUR (IMM) is an industrial company that manufactures prime quality, innovative and environment friendly cleaning equipment using the best raw materials as well as advanced assembling technology and educated and trained human resource. These are done in order to produce prime quality products and create convenient use for the consumers, in the household segment as well as in industrial segment, within the objective of creating a clean and healthy environment.

IMM is a family business initiated early in 1992 and now has undergone a very rapid development, starting from a home garage expanding into an advanced industry. The fast development in a relatively very short span of time has been possible due to:

1. the products offered to consumer are of prime quality,
2. poducts diversification adjusted to needs and wishes of
3. the support and good coorperation from all working partners,
especially buyers,
4. the presence of a strong vision, namely the desire to be the
market leader in cleaning equipment industry and support from
a very professional working system in all sectors.

The professionalism is reflected in the clear arrangement of
organizational structure, market research and analysis in order
to follow consumers needs and wishes, use of the internet as
communication means and business, as well as very strict quality
control. The quality control applied by IMM is begun from the
selection of the best raw material, thorough production process,
periodic product tests complying to stringent procedure, and
careful product packaging, assuring that the good received by
the consumer are products of prime quality.

IMM so far has marketed over 40 kinds of products using two
CLEAN-MATIC is a brand for all kinds of cleaning equipment
intended for the market segments of consumers and institutions
using big spaces. GUNUNG SEWU meanwhile is a brand for all kinds
of cleaning equipment meant for the market segments of consumers
and intitutions using spaces that are relatively not too big.

Today, IMM can be said to have succeeded to realize the said vision, by:

1. the distribution of IMM products was done nationwide through
retailers and institutions,
2. the existence of requests serve as cleaning equipment supplier
from retailers and institutions,
3. the existence of requests to make House Brand Product by
various renown retailers, both local and international,
4. the selection of IMM by international retailers for products
exchange and requests for joint promotion from various

So far IMM has always always won awards for the very high quality
of its shipments (98%), because of the timeliness and promptness
of shipment of products ordered by retailers and institutions.

IMM is confident that it will keeps its market leader status
in cleaning equipment, focusing on meeting the needs and wishes
of consumers with timeliness and promptness while keeping pace
with technology advance.

Above all else, the satisfaction of consumers over IMM products
is the most important, and this is because of excellent
cooperation from all sides, especially buyers.


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